Request for Proposals – Lake Raponda Shoreline Erosion Control Preliminary Design

Download RFP Here:

Date: July 15, 2024

Dear Conservation Partners

The Windham County Natural Resources Conservation District has been awarded a Design and Implementation Grant by the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission to                                   complete preliminary designs for Lake Raponda Shoreline Erosion Control in Wilmington, Vermont.

The district is issuing an RFP for environmental consultants interested in completing this design work. Contracted work will include preliminary site analysis to identify site/design considerations, permitting needs and water quality improvement objectives and goals, alternatives analysis that incorporates stakeholder input for a heavily used public location and creation of 30% designs that include synthesis of prior completed project deliverables and cost estimates for final design and implementation work. The consultant will assist the district with identification of necessary permits and work collaboratively with district staff and appropriate state and federal officials to obtain and include project input necessary for all permit approval. Consultant must comply with all appropriate permits and regulations and be fully insured. The following pages include project description, map and required format for proposals. Please note that all work must be completed by October 1, 2024. Firms unable to meet this timeline should not submit alternate proposals, as this funding is contingent upon this timeline. Proposals will be accepted via email at [email protected] until 5 PM on Monday, August 5. For questions or further information, please contact Executive Director Cory Ross at [email protected]


Cory Ross

Executive Director, Windam County NRCD

Request for Proposals from the Windham County NRCD
Lake Raponda Shoreline Erosion Control Preliminary Design
Wilmington, VT

Application Schedule
RFP release: July 15, 2024                                                                                                                                                 Proposals Due: August 5, 2024 by 5 PM

Questions Due: July 26, 2024 by 5 PM

Answers Provided: July 30, 2024

Anticipated Project Start Date: August 12, 2024

Required Project Completion Date:  October 1, 2024  

Location: Project is located at the Wilmington Town Beach in Wilmington, Vermont on the East shore of Lake Raponda.

Project History and Description:

In the 2020 Deerfield River and Lower Connecticut River tactical basin plan, Lake Raponda is identified as an area for restoration focus. This restoration focus is to work with the community to assess lake conditions and implement restoration projects. The town of Wilmington and the Lake Raponda Association have begun addressing these issues and identified the town beach as a high priority project.

The public access beach on Lake Raponda faces erosion at multiple locations. Two fishing spots are losing vegetation and sediment to the Lake. In addition, access to the town beach has become increasingly difficult due to erosion along walking paths.

This project will mitigate ongoing stormwater erosion concerns. A preliminary (30%) design for infiltration steps and erosion stabilization practices will improve access to the beach area and improve erosion at two fishing spots. Enhancing on-site vegetation will be included as part of this design.

TYPE OF DESIGN: The primary purpose of the project is to develop preliminary designs for the installation of a series of best management practices to reduce erosion and protect water quality for Lake Raponda.

Those considering submitting a proposal may request a site visit by contacting Cory Ross at [email protected]. Any questions about this project may also be directed to Cory Ross. Questions and requests for a site visit are due by July 26, 2024 by 5 PM


Responses to this RFP should consist of the following:

  1. A technical proposal consisting of:

1.         A cover letter expressing the consultant’s interest in working with the District, including identification of the principal individuals that will provide the requested services and a statement of the consultant’s qualifications to complete this proposed work.

2.         A description of the general approach to be taken toward completion of the project, an explanation of any variances to the proposed scope of work as outlined in the RFP, and any insights into the project gained as a result of developing the proposal.

3.         A scope of work that includes detailed steps to be taken, including any products or deliverables resulting from each task.

4.         A summary of estimated labor hours by task that clearly identifies the project team members and the number of hours performed by each team member by task.

5.         An itemized budget for completion of this project broken down by task and individual. This should correspond with item #4.

Selection Process:

The Windham County NRCD Board of Supervisors will review proposals and select project consultant or firm with advice from the District Manager. Criteria for selection includes, but is not limited to: price; applicant’s ability to perform within the specified time limits; applicant’s experience and reputation, including past performance and demonstrated flexibility; quality of materials and services specified in proposal; applicant’s ability to meet other terms and conditions including insurance requirements; applicants overall familiarity with the project area, partners and scope of work. District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or in part and to accept other than the lowest price proposal.