For a public example of the District's work with water quality, visit the Harmony Lot in Brattleboro to see the Adopt-A-Drain storm drain mural! Join this community effort by visiting With the help of the Brattleboro Museum and Arts Center, the Brattleboro Department of Public Works, VT League of Cities and Towns, the Brattleboro Arts Committee, and the Art Lords, this mural was painted. Located behind Everyone's Books, the mural strives to be accessible to all.
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The mural depicts an ocean scene surrounding a storm drain. Blue hues fade into orangs and purple in the background. Small, yellow fish are present in the blue areas. Orange and yellow fish swim over the drain into an ocean floor. On the ocean floor, an octopus, sea urchins, and sea stars are present. Green, tube-like grass grows on the floor along with purple and pink coral reefs. In the orange hues, branch-like coral is prevalent.