Invasive Species
WCNRCD is part of the Southeast Vermont Cooperative Invasive Species Management Association (CISMA). As part of this group, we provide site visits, free of charge, to landowners with invasive management questions and concerns. To learn more about the CISMA, visit their website. Below, you'll find some helpful resources for identifying common invasives in Vermont.

Identification Videos on YouTube
How to Dispose of Invasive Plants Once Cut or Pulled:
Invasive Plant Disposal GuideComposting and Invasive Species:
Compost Guide InvasivesComposting Plant Materials:
Grass, Leaves, and Wood - Department of Environmental ConservationFact Sheet on Stiltgrass:
Stiltgrassinfosheet.pdfCommon Windham County Invasives Fact Sheet:
Invasives general.pdfEarly Detection Invasives:
EDRR invasives.pdf