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Linda Corse

Position: District Chairperson
A smiling person in a barn, petting a happy cow under a translucent roof.

Linda Corse owns and operates The Corse Farm Dairy LLC, in Whitingham, VT in partnership with her husband, Leon. Their daughter, Abbie, works on the farm with them when she’s not busy with her 2 sons, (born in 2010 and 2014). Their farm has been in Leon’s family since 1868. It is an organic dairy shipping their milk to CROPP/Organic Valley.  They have a 55 cow mixed breed herd of mostly black & white  holsteins, along with some red & whites, jersey crosses, a couple of Finnish Reds & 1 blue holstein.  to CROPP/Organic Valley. Their farm is at 2000′ elevation in the Green Mountains in the Deerfield River and subsequently the Connecticut River watershed. Linda is chair of Windham County NRCD, as well as treasurer of the Connecticut River Watershed Farmers Alliance, and secretary for the Vermont Association of Conservation Districts. On their own or with cost sharing from NRCS the Corses have installed many conservation practices. Their farm and home is almost entirely powered by a solar array installed on their milking barn roof. They love to share their farm with people so please contact them for a visit.