Dam Safety Webinar
Vermont Dam Safety and Ownership Rules
Informational Webinar
This event has already taken place. You can access materials from the event here:
A List of Available Funding Sources for Dam Rehabilitation or Removal is here:
Dam-Funding-Programs-Handout-1020PDFs of the Slide Presentation from Ben Green:
20201006-Dam-Safety-Presentation-for-Webinar-Dam-Safety-RulesRecording of the Online Presentation can be viewed here:

The Windham County Conservation District is excited to partner with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation on this informative webinar. New administrative dam safety rules took effect in the State of Vermont on August 1 (10 V.S.A. Chapter 43). Even small dams for backyard ponds are significant structures that can have major public safety and environmental implications. This program will help dam owners understand the implications of owning, maintaining and operating a dam. Topics covered will include:
- Brief discussion of how rulemaking requirement and Phase 1 Administrative Rules came to be
- Dam Owner Obligations and Responsibility
- Recording Dams in the Land Records
- Annual Fees
- Hazard Potential Classifications
- Inspection schedule and compliance Requirements
- Emergency Action Plans
- Phase II – Standards Rulemaking plans
- Future Training Opportunities
- Resources Available to Help